Friday, November 5, 2010

Week Number 9

This week, we received our Module 2Today, we receive Module 2 from Puan Foziah, which mainly is about PHOTO EDITING. So, for this module, the objectives are as follow:

1-Do simple photo editing such as Add text, Adjust colour, Adjust exposure/Brightness, Adjust saturation, Background Editing, Blending two images together, Correcting colour cast, Crop around shape, crop picture, custom shape design, filter image, insert frame, make idiot better quality picture, rotate picture,saving EXIF data, use touch up tool to remove blemishes.

2-ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS3:Adjust brightness, adjust colur, adjust saturation, change background, chnage gradient colur, change picture size, crop picture, filter picture, add text, red eye reduction, using art history brush tool, using clone stamp tool, using touch up tool to remove blemishes, crop image around shape, crop picture, combine two images, create a crystal ball, insert frame, change a photo to a portrait, billboard on stupid building, glass effect on text 1, glass effect on text 2, text on a cup, water drop on a leaf and waving flag.

3-ACDsee:To use ACDsee to edit pictures for example, correct dolour cast, crop picture, noise breduction, resize image.

4-iPHOTO:To use to edit pictures for example adjust brightness, etc.

5-MICROSOFT PAINT:To use MSPaint to edit pictures such as extending background, etc.

6-PHOTOBUCKET:To edit pictures using Photobucket such as to insert frame, etc.

7-PHOTOSCAPE:To use photoscape to add text, basic photo editing, insert frame (Barbie), noise reduction and to resize image.

8-TRISCAPE FXFOTO: To edit picture using Triscape FXFoto to add text on image, adjust colour, adjust exposure, combination of basic tasks, crop around the shape, fltering, crop, improve and add text, get idiot better quality picture, improve an image, insert frame and text, resize, resize image, straighten a crooked photo, straighten a crooked photo 2, remove red eye, use touch up tool to remove blemishes and use touch up tool to remove scratches.

So, here are the tutorials:

2.1.1 Add Text
2.1.2 Adjust Colour
2.1.3 Adjust Exposure/ Brightness
2.1.4 Adjust Saturation
2.1.5 Background Editing
2.1.6 Blending 2 images together
2.1.7 Correcting Colour Test
2.1.8 Crop around shape
2.1.9 Crop Picture
2.1.10 Custom Shape design
2.1.11 Filter Image
2.1.12 Insert Framert
2.1.13 Make a better quality picture
2.1.14 Rotate picture
2.1.15 Saving EXIF data
2.1.16 Use touch up tool to remove blemishes

2.2.1 Adjust Brightness
2.2.2 Adjust colour
2.2.3 Adjust saturation
2.2.4 Change background
2.2.5 Change Gradient
2.2.6 Change Picture Size
2.2.7 Crop Picture
2.2.8 Filter Picture
2.2.9 Add text
2.2.10 Red Eye Reduction
2.2.11 Using Art History Brush Tool
2.2.12 Using Clone Stamp Tool
2.2.13 Using Touch Up Tool to remove Blemishes
2.2.14 Crop Image around Shape
2.2.15 Crop Picture
2.2.16 Combine two images
2.2.17 Create a crystal ball
2.2.18 Insert frame
2.2.19 Change a photo to portrait
2.2.20 Billboard on the building
2.2.21 Glass effect on text 1
2.2.22 Glass effect on text 2
2.2.23 Text on a cup
2.2.24 Water drop on the leaf
2.2.25 Waving flag

2.3.1 Correct colour cast
2.3.2 Crop picture
2.3.3 Noise reduction
2.3.4 Resize image

2.4.1 Adjust brightness

2.5.1 Extending background

2.6.1 Insert frame

2.7.1 Add text
2.7.2 Basic Photo Editing
2.7.3 Insert frame
2.7.4 Insert frame (Barbie)
2.7.5 Noise Reduction
2.7.6 Resize Image

2.8.1 Add text on image
2.8.2 Adjust colour
2.8.3 Adjust exposure
2.8.4 Cmbination of basic tasks
2.8.5 Crop around the shape
2.8.6 Filtering
2.8.7 Crop, improve and add text
2.8.8 Get a better quality picture
2.8.9 Improve an image
2.8.10 Insert frame and text
2.8.11 Resize
2.8.12 Resize image
2.8.13 Tutorial
2.8.14 Straighten a crooked photo
2.8.15 Straighten a crooked photo 2
2.8.16 Remove red eye
2.8.17 Use touch up tool to remove blemishes
2.8.18 Use touch up tool to remove scratches

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